Endre Kovács (PhD)

Endre Kovács (PhD)associate professor
head of institute

Institute of Physixs and Electronic Engineering

E-mail: endre.kovacs@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: 11-65
Office: A/2. building, 3rd floor, 2nd door
Website: http://web.uni-miskolc.hu/~www_fiz/KovacsE/
MTMT id: 10013780
Consultation time: Wednesdsay, 9-11 AM
CV: Hungarian

I was born in 1977. I started the five-year physics course at the University of Debrecen and in 2000 I graduated as a physicist, and an English translator of physics. In 2004, I finished a five-year course in Mathematics. In 2000, I started my PhD studies in Debrecen. I won the ORS award for the 2002-2005 period to Loughborough University (UK). In Loughborough I also wrote another PhD thesis. I was admitted to the degree of PhD in 2005 in Loughborough and in 2006 in Debrecen. Since 2005 I have been working as an assistant professor, since 2011 as an associate professor in the University of Miskolc, Department of Physics. My research field is the exact solutions for strongly correlated many particle systems and numerical simulation of magnetic nanoparticles.