Dr. Vincze Dávid

Dr. Vincze Dávidegyetemi docens

Informatikai Intézet
Általános Informatikai Intézeti Tanszék

E-mail: david.vincze@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: 17-58
Office: Informatikai épület I. 107/b
Website: www.iit.uni-miskolc.hu/~vinczed
MTMT id: 10028601

David Vincze is an associate professor at the Department of Information Sciences at the University of Miskolc, Hungary. Graduated in information engineering from the University of Miskolc, and later earned his PhD in 2014 in Computer Science focusing on machine learning and human-computer interaction. His research in machine learning examines fuzzy rule-based systems and algorithms for knowledge extraction. He plays an important role in supervising students in the intelligent systems research laboratory at his department. Also he has been contributing to the open source community, while implementing new ideas for Linux and UNIX based systems in data centers. Nowadays he is focusing on supercomputers and high performance computing in this field. David and his students regularly attend to international student competitions, repeatedly achieving great success in supercomputing technology. He has earned multiple awards for his teaching and research activity, most notably scholarship awards of the Hungarian National Excellence Programme.