Dr. Nehéz Károly

Dr. Nehéz Károlyegyetemi docens
tanszékvezető (IAK)

Informatikai Intézet
Alkalmazott Informatikai Intézeti Tanszék

E-mail: karoly.nehez@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: 14-19
Office: Informatika épület Fsz. 12
Website: http://ait2.iit.uni-miskolc.hu/
MTMT id: 10029663

Károly Nehéz was born in 1974 in Nyíregyháza, Hungary. He studied mechanical engineering at the University of Miskolc and received his MSc in 1997. He got his PhD in Computer Science (Three and five-axes Milling Simulation and Optimization) at the University of Miskolc (2003). Since 2010 Károly Nehéz is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Engineering. He teaches Software Design and Information Systems. His research interests focus on Software Engineering, Information Systems and Data Mining technologies. He is now the head of the Department of Information Engineering. Dr. Nehéz is a member of the public law association of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.