Dr. Dadvandipour Samad

Dr. Dadvandipour Samadegyetemi docens

Informatikai Intézet
Alkalmazott Informatikai Intézeti Tanszék

E-mail: samad.dadvandipour@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: 46/565-111/19-52
Office: Informatikai épület fsz 9.
Website: http://ait2.iit.uni-miskolc.hu/
MTMT id: 10002936

He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Miskolc-Hungary in 1994. He got his Ph.D dgree in Iformation Science and Technology focused on production engineering and information science from the same University in 2001. Samad Dadvandipour worked as a scientific research fellow at Bay Zoltán Foundation in Miskolc Tapolca from 1994-2000. He was also a research and development manager at the Rába Wagon and Machine Factory in Győr. He has been associate professor since 2011. From 2004-2011 has spent abroad and gained teaching and practical experiences in different subjects using the English language. He is a member of several domestic and international professional organizations, holds scientific and professional awards and scholarships. He has participated in several domestic and international conferences and has more than 60 scientific publications. His fields of interest are: Production Information Science, CIM System, Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Materials, Mechanical Technology, production Engineering, Matrial Science, and Mechatronics.