2023. január 19. (csütörtök) 08:26

“My thesis in 180 seconds – Hungary” competition

“My thesis in 180 seconds – Hungary” competition

The “My thesis in 180 seconds – Hungary” competition is back in 2023 for its fifth edition! Organized by the French Institute of Hungary and ESSCA - Budapest, the competition invites you to present your doctoral thesis in French and in 3 minutes flat. The winner of the Hungarian selection will have the opportunity to participate in the Central Europe final organized this summer by Charles University, in partnership with the French Institutes of Poland, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

Registration and more information: https://www.franciaintezet.hu/articles/universite-et-recherche/evenements/ma-these-en-180-secondes-mt180.html

MT180, what is it? MT180 allows you to communicate your research work to the general public by simply explaining a complex subject . Beyond the competition, it is also a way to practice speaking in public, which is a real asset for your career!

This competition allows doctoral students to present their research subject, in French and in simple terms, to a lay and diversified public. · Each candidate has exactly 3 minutes to make a clear, concise and convincing presentation. All with the support of a single slide !

It is an international competition, organized in several French-speaking countries around the world. This is its fifth edition in Central Europe. It is organized with the support of French Institutes in Austria, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. 

The competition will take place in two stages: first a national selection in each country, then a Central Europe final on June 8, 2023 in Prague under the patronage of Charles University

A jury will mark the performances of the candidates and the public will also give their opinion.

Attention: Deadline for submitting applications: February 19, 2023!
