Course title: Thermodynamics II. Number of credits: 5
Name and position of course coordinator: Dr. Peter Bencs, associate professor
Suggested semester: spring/autumn
Weekly lecture + seminar hours: 2+1
Assessment: colloquium
Course webpage: -


Course objectives:
To develop a sound understanding in the theory and application of thermodynamics, especially as related to heat transfer.
Course content and structure:
The course focuses on an advanced treatment of engineering thermodynamics and heat and mass transfer, and it is aimed to solve complex problems in modeling thermo-fluid-dynamic processes and energy systems. Synthesis of the subjects General foundation of thermodynamics from an entropy point of view. The calculus of thermodynamics. Properties of pure substances and property relationships for mixtures. Phase and chemical equilibrium for multicomponent systems. Modeling and design of heat and mass transfer processes with application to common technologies: unsteady heat conduction in one or more dimensions, steady conduction in multidimensional configuration, numerical simulation; forced convection in laminar and turbulent flows; natural convection in internal and external configurations; phase change heat transfer; thermal radiation, black bodies, grey radiation networks, spectral and solar radiation; mass transfer at low rates (evaporation).
Evaluation method:
Oral exam, from topics. Grade: 0-39% fail;40-54% average;55-69% fair;70-84% good;85-100% excellent
Required reading:
1Rogers, Gordon Frederick Crichton - Mayhew, Yon Richard: Engineering Thermodynamics. Work and Heat Transfer, Longman, London and New York2. Hans Dieter Baehr, Karl Stephan, Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer
Suggested reading:
1. S.C.Somasundaram-Thermal Engineering-New Age International (P) Ltd,1996  2. Y.V.C.Rao-An Introduction to Thermodynamics-New Age International (P) Ltd, 20043. Yunus A.Cengel-Thermodynamics-International Edition, 20064. - ebook