Course title: Differential and integral equations Number of credits: 5
Name and position of course coordinator: Peter Varga (associate professor)
Suggested semester: spring
Weekly lecture + seminar hours: 2
Course webpage: none


Course objectives:
The participants of this course most commonly have extremely different backgrounds and interests. We intend to provide them some guidance in the field of differential and integral equations. An ideal student should deepen his/her knowledge in the following fields:1. The basic theory of differential and integral equations. Conditions of the existens and unicity of the solutions of  ordinary differential equations.2. Numerical methods for ODE, error estimates.3. The use of computer software for DE, numerical experiments on the accuracy of numerical computations.4. Usage of Computer Algebra System and/or Finite Elements Methods software.5. The theory and numerical simulation of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic PDE.  
Course content and structure:
The content and the structure depends on the needs of the students (and in many cases on the competency of the instructor). We are quite satisfied by the covering  at least two subtopics of the objectives of the course.
Evaluation method:
Homework assigments, presentations, tests.
Required reading:
Suggested reading:
1. Peter Olver: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations.2.  MIT OCW: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (SMA 5212)3.  MIT OCW: Differentail equations,