Zoltán Szamosi PhD

Zoltán Szamosi PhDassociate professor

Energetikai és Vegyipari Gépészeti Intézet
Vegyipari Gépészeti Intézeti Tanszék

E-mail: zoltan.szamosi@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: 1928
Office: A/3. II. em. 207
MTMT id: 10032975

Certified Mechanical Engineer. Certified Economist. Born in 1986 in Miskolc. Completed his high school studies at Zrínyi Ilona Gimnázium in Miskolc in 2005. Obtained his Mechanical Engineering degree with a specialization in Chemical and Energy Engineering in 2011. Completed the MSc thesis during in the frame of Erasmus study program at the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, based in Barcelona. Has been a student of the Sályi István Mechanical Sciences Doctoral School since 2011, focusing on increasing the energy density of agricultural residues and waste in his doctoral dissertation. Awarded the Bolyai János Research Fellowship, starting from September 2023.