Tompa Tamás
adjunktusInformatikai IntézetÁltalános Informatikai Intézeti TanszékE-mail:
Informatikai épület I. 105Website: id:
Born in Miskolc in 1988, he graduated from the "Gábor Áron Művészeti Iskola Szakközépiskola" Secondary School in 2007. He then earned his Bachelor's degree in Engineering Informatics from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics at the University of Miskolc in 2012, followed by a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering in 2014. From 2014 to 2017, he was a doctoral student at the Hatvany József Doctoral School of Information Science, and since 2017, he has been an assistant lecturer at the Department of Information Technology. In 2023, he obtained his PhD and has since held the position of assistant professor at the Department of Information Technology. His research areas include machine learning, reinforcement learning, and fuzzy systems.