Dr. Varga Attila Károly

Dr. Varga Attila Károlyegyetemi docens

Automatizálási és Infokommunikációs Intézet

E-mail: varga.attila@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: 1946
Office: In/2
MTMT id: 10026164
Consultation time: Wednesday 13-14, In/2 Wednesday 16-17, In/2

He was born in 1981. In 2004, he received his degree in Information Eng. in 2006, he eraned his technical translator degree from the University of Miskolc. He has been working at the University of Miskolc from 2004. In 2016, he defended his doctoral thesis of Self-organizing and Self-healing Ability of Wireless Sensor Networks. He is currently an Associate Prof. at the Institute of Automation and Infocommunication. He is the member of the VI. Department of Technical Sciences, and secreatray of the Working Committee of IT and Electrical Eng. Prizes: Scholarship of Miskolc, Medal of Faculty, Memorial Medal of Faculty. Research fields: wireless sensor networks, multimedia systems, image processing, DB- and WEB-based systems.