14 March 2025
Hiba Lakhfif and Hajare Janati MSc students from the Abdelmarek Essaadi University will stay at our faculty , at the Institute of Energy Engineering and Chemical Machinery to prepare their thesis work with the following titles:
- Hydrogen energy produced by a CSP plant
- Desalination of seawater using energy produced by a CSP plant
They have presented their work so far:
24 - 28 February 2025
Moving forward with our Erasmus+ KA171 Mobility Program, colleagues of Institute of Energy Engineering and Chemical Machinery, Dr. Katalin Voith and Dr. Baibhaw Kumar, PhD, recently visited Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco, fostering deeper academic collaboration and knowledge exchange.
This mobility had two key outcomes:
📌 At the National School of Applied Sciences (Tetouan Campus)
Our colleagues engaged in fruitful discussions with Dr. Kamal Reklaoui (Academic Director), Prof. Ahmed Al Mers, and other esteemed faculty members, exploring the possibilities of launching joint dual-degree programs and introducing solar energy as a specialized subject for future students.
📌 At the ENSA, (Tanger Campus)
Dr. Baibhaw Kumar, PhD, delivered a guest lecture for Master’s students on solar thermal utilization and innovations in solar drying technologies, highlighting cutting-edge developments in sustainable energy.
Dr. Katalin Voith presented insights into the University of Miskolc, outlining opportunities for Moroccan students to explore academic and research prospects at our institution.
They also had the opportunity to meet the faculty dean, Prof. Dr. Mustapha DIANI , to discuss future collaborations between the two universities. These exchanges promoted by Dr. Zoltán Szamosi mark an important step in strengthening international cooperation, fostering innovative research, and opening new pathways for academic mobility. We look forward to continuing this collaboration and expanding our joint efforts in renewable energy and educational partnerships.
As part of the Erasmus+ KA171 Mobility Program, our institute had the pleasure of hosting a PhD student Mr. Ben Aziz, from Morocco, who worked on the numerical simulation of Multi-Effect Desalination (MED) for heat recovery from brine production.
This research aligns with global efforts to enhance water sustainability and energy efficiency, focusing on recovering thermal energy from desalination processes—a crucial step toward optimizing resource utilization in water treatment technologies.
We extend our sincere appreciation to Prof. Ahmed Al Mers (Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco) and Dr. Zoltán Szamosi University of Miskolc for their invaluable guidance in supporting this research initiative.
NUAA Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronatics visit - 10 February 2025
The delagates of NUAA (China) visited our university and our faculty.
Prof. Shi Daning, vice president signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Prof. Tita Horváth, rector of UM.
Prof. Shi Daning, Liu Changjiang (Dean of College of International Education), Peng Cong (Vice Dean of Changkong College) and Yang Dingjuan (Vice Director of Students Affairs Office) visited the Laboratories of the Institute of Mechatronics.
Strengthening International Collaboration in Renewable Energy Research!
🌍🔆 We are excited to share another remarkable milestone in international academic cooperation under the Erasmus+ KA171 Mobility Program!
PhD student Salman Brbhan from the University of Miskolc had the opportunity to visit Abdelmalek Essaadi University in Morocco in January 2025, where he worked closely with Dr. Ahmed Al Mers on advancing research in Fresnel technology for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) systems.
31 January 2025: Graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics
Congarulation to our graduated MSc international students:
Mechanical Engineering MSc: Elisha Zaheer (Pakistan)
Computer Science Engineering MSC: Mohammad Amir Parvez (India) and Otman Atanane (Morocco)
Dr. Zukhriddin Latipov, Dr. Shakhboz Turdiev and Dr. Ziyodullaev Gayrat from Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies and Dr. Latipov from Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute came to our faculty to conduct research in engineering with the scholarship for young researchers provided by the Agency for Innovative Development under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Their work is coordinated by Prof.Dr. Gabriella Vadászné Bognár, Deputy Dean for Science and International Affairs, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and
Informatics, University of Miskolc.
At 16 december, 2024 our guests visited 3 of our laboratories, namely:
Mechatronics Laboratories
Gleeble Laboratory
Automation Laboratories
Visit of the Southwest Jiaotong University Delegation to the University of Miskolc
On December 11, 2024, a delegation of leaders from the Southwest Jiaotong University of Technology (https://en.swjtu.edu.cn/) visited the University of Miskolc. The purpose of the visit was to strengthen collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, focusing on the development of a dual-degree program in mechanical engineering MSc education, as well as fostering joint research initiatives and academic cooperation.
This visit provided an excellent opportunity to deepen professional relations between the two institutions and contributed to expanding international collaborations in the fields of higher education and research.
2024 Autumn TDK - Award Ceremony The award cere
mony for the 2024 Autumn TDK Conference was held on December 9, 2024, starting at 10:00 AM. We extend our congratulations to all participants and their advisors! Additional photos: https://www.flickr.com/.../7217772032245.../with/54192784246
Ibn Tofail University (Kenitra) and the University of Miskolc discussing the details of cooperation between the doctoral schools in the field of Informatics – 3 December 2024
Participants in the picture from left to right: Prof.Dr. Gabriella Vadászné Bognár, Deputy Dean for Science and International Affairs, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, University of Miskolc, Dr. Zoltán Szamosi, Director of Institute of Energy Engineering and Chemical Machinery, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, University of Miskolc, Prof. Dr. László Kovács, Director of Department of Information Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, University of Miskolc, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ebn Touhami, Dean of Scientific Faculty of University of Ibn Tofail and Prof. Dr. Ayoub Amrani, Director of Department of Mathematics of University of Ibn Tofail.
2 December 2024: Dénes Liktor, Director EHS of BorsodChem Zrt. gave a lecture to young engineering students on the tasks and challenges of chemical plant and process equipment safety engineering!
BOSCH company visit - 26 November 2024
12 students from Mechanical Engineering and Informatics had a chance to get a tour inside the BOSCH in Miskolc. During this tour, Bosch introduced their products, warehouses, and production lines.The company gave us a tour inside showing us the production lines from start to end. The products range from drills and batteries to weed trimmers and lawn mowers. Automation and industrial revolution 4.0 played a major role in developing the company since 2014. Then, the students were introduced to the biggest bosch warehouse in Europe, where most of the bosch products are delivered to the customers.
Thank you for the collegues of BOSCH for this unforgettable event and opportunity.
English session of the Scientific Student Conference:
25 November 2024
at the Institute of Energy Engineering and Chemical Machinery (A/3 building, room no. 208)
Chairman: Dr. Máté Petrik, associate professor
Commitee members: Dr. Csaba Dömötör - associate professor; Viktória Ferencsik - assistant lecturer
Representative of the students: Gergely Bodnár
1. Ammar Ammar: A proposed framework with a case study on smart renewable energy integration and energy efficiency improvement in university buildings
Supervisor: Dr. Baibhaw Kumar assistant lecturer
2. El Majdoub Wafae: Analysing the Influence of Cutting Force on Geometrial Accuracy Machining of X5CrNi18-10 stainless steel
Supervisor: Dr. Sztankovics István egyetemi docens
3. Idd Mohamed Yunusu előadása 14:30-14:40 óra között
Examination of forming process in joining stainless steel thin – walled pipes by plastic
Konzulens: Dr. Kovács Péter Zoltán egyetemi docens
4. Mahamat Haroun Djouma előadása 14:45-14:55 óra között
Climate change effects: Case of Lac Tchad
Konzulens: Dr. Baibhaw Kumar tanársegéd
5. Muhammad Hamza Daud, Ali Haider előadása 15:00-15:10 óra között
Non-linear stability studies of unsymmetrically supported arches
Konzulens: Dr. Kiss László Péter egyetemi docens
6. Tanuj Namboodri előadása 15:15-15:25 óra között
Investigation of machining parameters effects on cutting force and vibration in CNC turning
Konzulens: Dr. Felhő Csaba intézetigazgató, egyetemi docens
Dr. Raghawendra Pratap Singh Sisodia egyetemi docens
Evosoft Company Visit - 25 October 2024
Evosoft, a leading software company, hosted a company visit for our students, offering a valuable inside look at their operations and projects.
The event concluded with a Q&A session, during which the Evosoft representatives expressed enthusiasm for welcoming international students as interns.
Thank you for the colleugues of evosoft Hungary Kft.
Caroline Kithama, representative of Education Hungary (EH) Nairobi, Kenya visited our faculty on 25th October, 2024.
Meet and Greet event - 21 October 2024
Hosted by the International Student Alumni Network (ISAN) in collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics.
The goal of this event is to bring together students from all departments, Computer Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Logistics Engineering, to meet, share experiences, and expand their networks within the faculty.
The event provided soft drinks, snacks, and great conversations in a relaxed and engaging atmosphere!
Our students visited the Hydroelectric power plant in Tiszalök on 21 October, 2024
Bolyai János Research Scholar Prof. Dr. Péter Tamás, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical engineering and Informatics
The Bolyai Scholarship was established specifically to encourage and recognise outstanding research and development achievements by young, talented researchers. The scholarship is awarded by an independent, professionally and scientifically autonomous Board of Trustees, established by the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences within the framework of the MTA's public body, through a public application system. Since its establishment in 1998, the Board of Trustees of the János Bolyai Research Fellowship has announced the fellowship annually, evaluated the applications and awarded the Bolyai Fellowship to the most outstanding researchers.
In 2024, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences awarded 160 scholarships out of hundreds of applicants, including Prof. Dr. Péter Tamás, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, University of Miskolc, Professor of the Institute of Logistics.
Congratulations and best wishes for further professional success!
IIW General Assembly and Conference 2024 Greece
Professor Dr. Károly Jármai received the Fellow of IIW Award and the 30th Anniversary Medal in recognition of his professional activities in the International Institute of Welding (IIW) at the 77th Annual General Assembly and International Conference 2024 in Rhodes, Greece, on 7 July 2024. The IIW brings together 58 countries from around the world in the field of welding and joint technologies. The IIW offers the International Welding Engineer and the International Welded Structural Design Engineer courses all over the world, including at the University of Miskolc. 25 years ago, this international organisation awarded a medal to a Hungarian person.
„I am delighted to represent Hungary and the University of Miskolc at the IIW General Assembly and on the International Committee.” - Károly Jármai
Congratulation to our graduated students:
MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering:
Karam Dheyaa from Iraq
MSc degree in Computer Science Engineering:
Brahim Anis Belferkous from Algeria
Ousama Shouffi from Syria
Mohammad Alkhiyami from Syria
Fadi Atallah from Syria
Razan Farah from Syria
Mohammad Samer Al Saydali from Syria
Between 10 and 14 June 2024 Dr. Péter Bencs, Head of the Energy Engineering and Chemical Machinery Institute and Dr. Norbert Szaszák associate professor of the same institute visited TH Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences in the Framework of Erasmus program. They had the chance to visit the bioMEMS Laboratory and the ALP Laboratory in Obernburg.
Ibn Tofail University (Kenitra) and the University of Miskolc have signed a cooperation agreement.
In addition, a Pannonia Mobility Programme contract was signed between the two universities.
Discussions covered double degrees in engineering and computer science, co-direction of doctoral studies and joint future research.
Dates of the meetings: 07-10.05.2024.
Venue: Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
Participants in the picture from left to right: Prof. Mohammed Larbi KERKEB, president, Prof.Dr. Gabriella Vadászné Bognár, Deputy Dean for Science and International Affairs, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, University of Miskolc Dávid Ambrus, Embassy of Hungary, Rabat, diplomat Prof. Adil ECHCHELH, vice-president (scientific research and cooperation) Prof. Mohamed Ebn Touhami, Dean
At 13 May 2024 we have visited the BOSCH - Miskolc.
Thank you for Zsófia Zilahy Recruitment (McP/HRL-R) manager
of Robert Bosch Power Tool Elektromos Szerszámgyártó Kft., Miskolc to make this possible for the international student of our faculty.
As part of the Erasmus Staff Week of the University of Miskolc the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics organized a friendly gethering of guest from Ukraine, Germany and Marocco. After some presentations we made a walk through the campus and visited some of the laboratories.
Join Us for an Enlightening ALUMNI Talk! ✨
📅 Date: 15th of April
🕕 Time: 17:30
📍 Location: UM Élményközpont, building A/3, first floor
Registration is REQUIRED: https://forms.office.com/e/v4qRLLtajG
Presentation of the Medallion of Merit at 14 March 2024
At the ceremony of 15 March, the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Zoltán Siménfalvi, presented the students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology with the Medallion of Merit.
The Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics awarded the Gold Medal to 23 students - 1 international student-, the Silver Medal to 17 students and the Bronze Medal to 42 students - 7 international students-, 82 students in total. At the ceremony, 43 people received the medal.
The international students who received the Medallion:
Begin Edu Fair - Baku, Azerbaijan
10 March 2024
We are present at the International Student Fair in Baku today.
ERASMUS information exchange event - 28 February 2024
Today the faculty Erasmus coordinator, Dr. Péter Bencs and Dr. Katalin Voith has met the Erasmus students of this semester. During this informal meeting the students shared their experiences of the first couple of weeks. Drinking some coffee and tea and have some snacks made the meeting more relaxed.
The first ISAN event of the semester was held by the Coordinator of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, Fadi Atallah.
This event was a student gathering of the Faculty to share their opinions about the last semester's events and they discussed their own ideas for the current semester.
Also, it was a perfect opportunity for the new students to ask for help from the senior students so that they had the chance to get the answers for their questions or find a solution for their specific questions regarding the University.
After that, the students had some time to have a great talk and catching up again after the winter break.
Congratulation to our graduated student:
Batoul Joumah from Syria - MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering
At 7 February 2024
Nikita Fütterer, Dipl.-KFM Sales Manager at TLV International, Inc.
gave a presentation about the products of this Japanese company (Steam and Condense technology) in the lecture room of the Institute of Energy Engineering and Chemical Machinery
Topics covered in the technical presentation: condensate separators, Floating-ball thermostatic-thermodynamic, Process steam control, Dryers and filters, Condensate transport, System solutions, TLV service.
New year 2024 is a great time when students can go abroad for their Erasmus+ internships. So we have prepared for you new Erasmus internship opportunities with the start in March - April 2024 which may be interesting for your students.
To find all our open positions, you can click here. Moreover, students can submit an online application at our website www.placementslovakia.com, and state the sectors they would like to have internships in. Afterward, if they meet all requirements, we will invite them for the first interview, where everything depends on them.
The conditions of our program stay the same in 2024:
- no fees for students,
- free accommodation provided,
- lunch allowance provided
- professional training and courses
- constant support by our team.
Placement Slovakia Team
From the Ibl Tofail University (Kenitra, Morocco) Prof. Amer Ayoub visited our faculty as Vadászné Prof. Dr. Gabriella Bognár's - vice dean - guest at 16 January, 2024. Together with Prof. Echchelh vice president and Yassine Chahboub - they joint online to the meeting - they discussed the possibilities of cooperation, students exchange, commen supervising of PhD students and double degree program.
We visited the company Joyson Hungaria Kft. Miskolc at 8 December, 2023
The company provided a very colourfull program for the international MSc and PhD students of the faculty of Materials and Chemical engineering and Mechanical engineering and Informatics.
Thank you for this great event and opportunity.
Special thanks to Andrea Kappelmajerné Kővári Specialist, Training &Development EMEA Human Resources
Martin Megó - presentation
István Galambos - molding
Attila Vágási - painting
Mónika Eke-Csányi - leathering
CsillaSzabó and GyörgyJónás - test facilities
We held the 1st Faculty ALUMNI SYMPOSIUM at 7 December 2023
The event was online, on MS TEAMS platform.
Our speakers were:
Wallyson Thomas Alves da Silva
Raghawendra Pratap Singh Sisodia
Mohammad Almseidin
Manish Kumar
Hina Ghous
Bassel Alsalamah
Marouane Guettatfi
Okhunjon Sayfidinov
Bernard Felix
They shared their experiences at the faculty and their career since they graduated or get their PhD diploma.
evosoft Hungary Kft. - company visit
On November 10, 2023, the students of the English-language engineering informatics course participated in a company presentation at the office of evosoft Hungary Kft. in Miskolc. After the introductory presentation of Beatrix Huszti, site manager, the company's specialists gave a presentation on current technologies and ongoing projects. The meeting ended with answering the students' questions.
We visited the company EMERSON Automation FCP Kft. Eger at 13 October, 2023
The company provided a very colourfull program for the international MSc and PhD students of the faculty.
Thank you for this great event and opportunity.
MEET & GREET evening for the international MSc and PhD students
3 October 2023
Fadi Atallah, 2-year Computer Science Engineering MSc student, the ISAN faculty coordinator organized an event for all the faculty international MSc and PhD students - new-comers and higher-year ones - to meet and freely talk about any issues related to study, dormitory life or anything else outside the university.
Presentation of
Munich University of Applied Sciences, Gemany
with the title of: "Advanced GMAW process variants"
Date: 26 September, 2023
At 21 September, 2023 (Thursday) we gather together to enjoy 3 great presentations about solar thermal energy.
In the framework of Erasmus+ KA171 Mobility program
Prof. Ahmed AL MERS from the Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco:
"Development of a low-cost CSP system based on Fresnel technology coupled with a thermocline energy storage tank"
The audience created a word-cloud together at the end of Prof. Al Mers' presentation:
His presentation was followed by the PhD students with their presentations:
Baibhaw Kumar: Design, Development, and Optimization of Solar Dryer for Wood Fuels
Salman Brbhan: Improving solar energy systems' use of concentrated thermal energy (steam generation)
At 29 June, 2023 a delegation of the HUBEI ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY from China visited our faculty.
The following programs were presented to the members of the delegation:
Ding Yuankun, vice rector,
Xia Jianping, director of education affairs,
Feng Qian, director of the international affairs and
Yang Jianjun, dean of the Art Faculty
1. Presentation of the faculty and its English language programs by Vadászné Prof. Gabriella Bognár and Prof. László Kovács
2. Hand-driven drone show
3. Presentation of the Logistics 4.0 Laboratory by Dr. Ákos Cservenák
4. Mechatronics Laboratory Tour led by Dr. László Rónai and Pálma Kapitány
Presentation of
University of Oulu, Finland
with the title of: "Carbon Diffusion Phenomena during the Transformation of Austenite to Lath Martensite"
Date: 28 June, 2023
CONGRATULATION to our Graduated students:
Angola | Inácio Manuel Junqueira | Mechanical Engineering | |
India | Lohith Menasamakki Rajashekar | Mechanical Engineering | |
Iraq | Ahmed Hakeem Najm Al-Mamoori | Computer Science Engineering | |
Tunisia | Ali Jlidi | Computer Science Engineering | |
India | Fahim Mulla | Mechanical Engineering | |
India | Jayanth Shivanandappa | Computer Science Engineering |
In the framework of Erasmus+ Mobility program after a successful visit of the teaching members of the Dalian Technical University (China), 4 members of the Institute of Energy Engineering and Chemical Machinery (University of Miskolc), took a trip to Dalian between 19 and 23 June, 2023.
During the visit the following lectures were held to the members of the department and the MSc and PhD students:
- Dr. Katalin Voith (senior research fellow): Introducing the University of Miskolc and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics
- Dr. Péter Bencs (associate professor, Director of Institute): Research directions at the Department of Fluid and Heat Engineering
- Prof. László Baranyi (emeritus professor): Forced figure-eight cylinder motion in uniform flow: A parameter study
- Dr. Norbert Szaszák (associate professor): Turbulence generation by means of active grids – a novel type of turbulence generator grid
- Dr: Katalin Voith (senior research fellow): Sustainability in general
During the five days many very promising arrangements and meetings happened about future educational and research cooperations.
We would like to express our warm gratitude and thanks to our hosts including the kind and helpful PhD students.
Special thanks to:
- Prof. Lin Lu, professor
- Prof. Dongsheng Qiao, professor
- Prof. Guoqiang Tang, professor
- Dr. Jun Yan, Associate Professor
- Jiao Yuqi, PhD student
- Yin Li, PhD student
- Zhiwei Song, PhD student
Tram-ride like an electrical engineer!
The 100 Bengal tram is back on track.
On 1 June 2023, the University of Miskolc held a Professional Day of Electrical Engineering, during which the legendary 100-track one-way Bengal tram was rolled out of the remise again. The professional day started with company presentations in the auditorium III of the University of Miskolc, followed by the tram baptism and nostalgia tram ride. The welcome ceremony of the tramway started at 14:40 at the Tisza Railway Station, and then the tramway "rode through the girbe-gurba streets of Miskolc". The occasion was the 25th anniversary of the graduation of the first class of electrical engineers at the University of Miskolc.
The FVV 1100 type tram number 100, commonly known as the Bengal tram, was put into service in Miskolc on 3 October 1962. The Bengal trams were named after their staggering size and their roaring sound, similar to that of a Bengal tiger. In Miskolc, this type was finally withdrawn in 2004 and replaced by the red trams from Vienna. The tram number 100 was baptised by the Institute of Physics and Electrical Engineering and the Council of Electrical Engineering of the University of Miskolc in accordance with student tradition and given the name Bengal Tiger, also known as Amper-hunter tiger. He was also accepted as an honorary citizen and honorary member of the university community, making the Bengal Tram a new symbol of electrical engineering education, along with the Vienna, Amper-hunter Piroska Tram, who was christened in 2018.
Those who participated in the nostalgia tram ride received a numbered nostalgia ticket as a souvenir, which also served as a raffle. The raffle draws took place at the Upper Majláth terminus on the tram.
The great atmosphere was provided by traditional Selmec songs.
In the framework of Erasmus+ Mobility program SYMPOSIUM at 22 May, 2023
State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology CHINA |
Prof. Dongsheng QIAO: | Application of Deep Learning Technology in the Monitoring System of Floating Wind Turbine |
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Associate Prof. Guoqiang TANG: | On-bottom Stability Design of Subsea Cables and Umbilicals under Wave Loading |
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Assistant Research Fellow, Jun YAN: | Damping and Snap Load Characteristics of Deepwater Mooring Line |
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The delegatie was invited by the Confucius Institute located at the University of Miskolc.
The fotos was the event:
In the framework of Erasmus+ Mobility program at 19 April 2023 we had an international symposium with the following presentations:
Teaching and research activities of the faculty – Dr. Hora Cristina, Dean, Assoc. Prof., University of Oradea, Romania
Finite Element Method-Based Elastic Analysis of Multibody Systems - Prof. Sorin Vlase, Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania
Sustainable Development of District Heating in Oradea, Romania – Dr. Bendea Codruta-Calina, Academic Coordinator of the Energy Engineering Department at the University of Oradea, Romania
Modeling and dynamic analysis of rigid and flexible multibody systems in mechanical engineering - Prof. Itu Calin, Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania
In the framework of the Erasmus Teacher Mobility Programme, five colleagues from the University of Miskolc, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics were in South Africa from 3 to 6 April as guests of the University of Pretoria. The lecturers from the Faculty visited the University of Pretoria, the largest technical university in South Africa.
On the first day of their one-week visit, they were given an insight into the work of the Engineering 4.0 laboratory, where they are working on recycling plastic waste. Their latest project involves mixing plastic granules with road pavement bitumen and testing the durability of the pavement at different mixing ratios. Prof. Károly Jármai gave a lecture to the graduate students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering on Optimization of Metal Structures. The event was opened by Prof. Nico Wilke, Lecturer of the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Erasmus+ Programme Liaison Officer.
In the framework of Erasmus+ Mobility program colleagues from the János Selye University (Slovakia) had the following lectures at 22 March, 2023 in the Library of Informatics Institute:
Dr. Paed. Czakóová Krisztina: Virtual programming environments and programmable robot tools for experience-based teaching programming for beginners
Dr. Takáč Ondrej: 3D modelling in education
Dr. Paed Végh Ladislav: Assessment of algorithmic and logical thinking of secondary school students, and first- and second-year undergraduate computer science students
Further pictures of this event:
At 9 March 2023, Dr. Elisabeta Mihaela CIORTEA, Faculty of Informatics and Engineering, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania gave a lecture to our MSc and PhD students with the title:
Analysis of Intelligent production systems
in the Smart Industry
Pictures of the event:
EUROIL gave a marvelous and very exciting presentation with the purpuse of introducing their activities for the MSc and PhD students who would be interested in getting a trainee position at the Miskolc location of EUROIL. The event took place at 3 March, 2023.
At 20 February, 2023 2PM Simona Cristina Castrase, Associate professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Oradea, Romania gave a presentation with the following title:
"Presenting the University of Oradea and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and study programmes (bachelor and master) for Erasmus + Mobility exchange for students" .
Graduates of 20 February, 2023:
MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering:
Alshloul Saddam Hussein Mohammad |
Sayfidinova Makhliyo |
MSc degree in Computer Science Engineering:
Lokbani Raouia Nibel Zohra |
13th International Symposium 'EXPRES 2023' on Exploitation of Renewable Energy Sources, Effectiveness, security and PhD Student Meeting
Subotica, Serbia
April. 20-22. 2023.
Authors’ Scedule
Full paper submission: March 10. 2023
Notification deadline: March 15. 2023
Final paper submission: March 20. 2023
Registration fee
220 (€) for the first author of the paper
60 (€) for the second, + third, +etc. authors of the paper;
60 (€) for participants without paper submission
Submission of Papers
Prospective authors are welcome to submit original and unpublished papers through electronic paper submission system on the General Chair's email: jnyers1@gmail.com until March 10. 2023.
CASSINI Hackathon
Are you curious about national sovereignty? Do defence solutions interest you? Do you like exciting teamwork? Would you like to compete in a European idea competition?
⚡️Considering the increasing global uncertainty, countries need to take responsibility for their own defence and safety, exploiting the opportunities that lie in combining industries.
👉What innovative solutions could you and your team find for cross-field mobility and logistics, maritime threats and strengthening critical infrastructure, using space technologies such as navigation or earth observation?
Apply by 17 March individually or in teams of 3-4 for the CASSINI Hackathon organised by @designterminal, where with the support of industry professionals you can use your sectoral, IT, creative or business skills to strengthen national sovereignty! 🌍🛰️ No prior space experience is required, apply from any field if you have a good idea!
Apply in a few quick steps here https://taikai.network/cassinihackathons/hackathons/defence-security?token=0LBD3CIAFQQPLM13, and get to know more about the event on https://hackathons.cassini.eu
In the framework of “STRATEGIC CCUV4 PARTNERSHIP FOR INDUSTRIAL DECARBONIZATION” project the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, Institute of Energy Engineering and Chemical Machinery organized a WORKSHOP at 30 January, 2023 with the following presentations:
· Stanislaw Ledakowicz, Radosław Ślęzak, Mariia Sobulska - Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Department of Bioprocess Engineering: INVESTIGATIONS OF HYDROTHERMAL PRE-TREATMENT OF WET BIOMASS INTEGRATED WITH DARK FERMENTATION TO OBTAIN THE MAXIMUM YIELD OF BIOHYDROGEN.
· Vojtěch Bělohlav, Radek Šulc, Lukáš Krátký - Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Process Engineering: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES IN TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT DESIGN FOR CO2-TO-X STRATEGIES OR ADVANCED BIOREFINERIES.
· Peter Peciar, Roman Fekete, Marián Peciar - Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Process Engineering: CHALLENGES IN GRANULATION TECHNOLOGY.
❗The Citi Tech Challenge storygame is now underway❗
Try our game and learn more about professional life at Citi, while immersing yourself in the challenges of cybersecurity, infrastructure technology or global functions technology.
🏆Prizes: At the end of the game, the player with the highest score will win an Oculus Quest 2 VR headset, furthermore 5 x 10.000 HUF eMAG gift cards will be drawn among all players. Step into the field of action and take your professional development into your own hands
👉 Click for the game: www.techchallenge.info
At 6th December, 2022 Prof. U. S. Mahabaleshwar Professor of Mathematics, Davangere University, INDIA and Zuhriddin Latipov Associate professor, Karshi Engineering and Economics Institute, UZBEKISTAN gave presentations to the researchers and PhD students of the faculty:
Title of the lectures:
You can download a video of the presentations of today:
International Conference on Advancements in Smart Computing and Information Security (ASCIS-2022)
Further details and registration: https://crafthack.crafthub.events/
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1334827483646999
Schneider Go Green Challenge 2022 - student innovation competition
The Schneider Go Green Challenge 2022, one of the world’s biggest global student innovation competitions. This is the 12th year and we are looking for more diverse, disruptive and game-changing technologies for the future.
This year’s themes feature: Access to Energy, Homes of the Future, Supply Chain of the future, Grids of the future andDe[coding] the future.
More information on the challenge platform: https://bit.ly/GoGreen_Europe
To participate in this challenge, students can register on the platform and submit their solutions in teams of 2-4 people.
By participating in this competition, students will have the opportunity to receive : ·
- Consideration for an HR interview at Schneider Electric ·
- Personalised Mentorship from Schneider Electric’s experts & networking opportunities ·
- Pitch to Schneider Electric's top management at the Virtual Global Finale ·
- Win a €10,000 Prize as the grand winner
Call for Applications FOR NATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP for the academic year 2021/2022
Graduates of June 2021:
MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering:
Ziya Mehdiyev (Azerbaijan) |
Pusta Jalalova (Azerbaijan) |
Peter Uchechukwu Mbaneme (Nigeria) |
Bernard Khawan Felix (Nigeria) |
Abderrazek Messaoudi (Tunisia) |
Niret Paul (India) |
Vinodakumar Hiremath (India) |
Mohammed Amarni (Algeria) |
MSc degree in Computer Science Engineering:
Salam Mohammed Zayer (Iraq) |
Marwah Muneer Nadheer Al-Bayati (Iraq) |
Riyadh Jasim Sehen Al-Eedawi (Iraq) |
George Alkhoury (Syria) |
Nour Hwijeh (Syria) |
Rasha Haifa (Syria) |
Rasha Kanout (Syria) |
Yara Maksoud (Syria) |
Tareq Alshoufi (Syria) - Tareq jumps :-) |
Marouane Zoubir Guettatfi (Algeria) |
Mohammad Al-Soudani (Jordan) |
Wiem Bouallegue (Tunesia) |
February 2020:
Our graduates: Hanane Arribi (Algeria) Mechanical Engineer, Tyagi Suryakant (India) Computer Science Engineer and Mohammed Dauda Yahaya (Nigeria) also Computer Science Engineer
June 2019:
GRADUATED STUDENTS of English MSc programs: Five Mechanical Engineers from Syria (2), India, Vietnam and Jordan. Seven Computer Science Engineers from Syria (2), India (2), Algeria and Jordan. CONGRATULATION |
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Scholarship possibilities:
- http://www.sppm.tsinghua.edu.cn/english/
- http://gradadmission.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/yzlxs/yz_lxs_kstzb/view?id=500079
- http://www.sppm.tsinghua.edu.cn/english/Admission/IMPAN/IMPABRI/HowtoApply
- https://tka.hu/docs/palyazatok/revised_bursary_statute_2021.pdf
- https://tka.hu/docs/palyazatok/149_-_szignalt_-_mond_-_vn_course_application_-_235dnkhth.pdf_hoihoi6632e774-4150-425f-b7ed-3d3af4a02a9bh.pdf
- https://tka.hu/docs/palyazatok/kUm07875fb2413-d9dc-4b7f-9d60-a73200dde9f9n.pdf
- http://unep-iesd.tongji.edu.cn/
"HACKATOM HUNGARY" - Competition for developing an idea on a topic related to nuclear energy. More information: click here
Graduates of January 2021:
PhD Degree (Hatvany József Doctoral School):
Ma'en Marwan Ali Al-zu'bi (Algeria)
MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering:
Patel Yashkumar Bharatbhai (India)
Aldaher Mohannad (Syria)
Design Challenge 2020 by Knorr-Bremse Rail Systems Budapest
Price winner: Mohammad Alzghoul
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Graduation Ceremony - September 4, 2020
PhD Degree (Hatvany József Doctoral School): Dr Bouzid Ahmed Ahmitosh (Algeria)
MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering:
Mosleh Adle S. A. (Palestine)
Ashour Amro A. N. (Palestine)
Sharipov Aibek (Kazakhstan)
Khan Choudhary Amish (India)
Cabezas Pazmiño Sebastian Alejandro (Ecuador)
Alzghoul Mohammad Jehad Mohammad
MSc degree in Computer Science Engineering:
Ghous Hina - Diploma with Distinction (Pakistan)
Berkdich Badre (Morocco)
FAREWELL RECEPTION - September 1, 2020
Upcoming Conferences and Events:
The Conference will be organized ONLINE at November 25, 2020. The aim of the conference is to bring together the experts
from both the academic and industrial areas and to show the development on these fields. This is an IIW
(International Institute of Welding)
supported event.
The call for papers is open, submission deadline: July 10, 2020. With submitting your paper,
please correspond at least 4 suggested reviewers (name, company, e-mail address) – at least one of them
must be not Hungarian.
Registration fee – including one paper – is 100,00 Euro for the employees and students of the University of Miskolc
that is due to August 21, 2020.
All papers are peer-reviewed, and the accepted ones will be published in the Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering series,
published by Springer Verlag, indexed by Scopus, as was on the previous conference:
(https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319756769, https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319511887).
The last Proceedings had 142k downloads till now. The conference homepage: http://vae2020.uni-miskolc.hu
Contact: vae2020@uni-miskolc.hu
Pictures of the trip to TISZALÖK Power Plant and the reward of Dr. Norbert SZASZÁK
Pictures of OPEN DOOR DAY of 5-6 December 2019
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics is 70 years old The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2019. On 18 October 2019, we had a Jubilee Meeting with guests, honorary professors and colleagues from domestic and foreign universities and companies. In addition to the university leaders, Pál Veres, Mayor of Miskolc, Prof. Dr. Zita Horváth, Deputy State Secretary for Education, Prof. Dr. János Latorcai, Vice-President of the Hungarian Parliament and Tamás Bihall, President of the B-A-Z County Chamber of Commerce and Industry gave a speech. In addition to the speeches, the title of Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics and the newly found awards of “Pro Facultate” Artium Mechanicarum et Rerum Informaticarum Universitatis Miskolciensis were also presented. During the sessions of the institutes, the participants could present their professional, educational and research activities. In the evening, the program ended with a Traditional Selmec Student Party. The video of the Jubilee Memorial Meeting is available here. Photos of the event are available here. |
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Graduation ceremony, June 2019 5 Mechanical Engineers from Syria (2), India, Vietnam and Jordan, 7 Computer Science Engineers from Syria (2), India (2), Algeria and Jordan got their diplomas after completing successfully a 4-semester English language MSc program. 1 person from Iraq completed his BSc studies in Hungarian as well. CONGRATULATION |
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