Dr. habil. Sasvári Péter

Dr. habil. Sasvári Péteregyetemi docens

Informatikai Intézet
Általános Informatikai Intézeti Tanszék

E-mail: peter.sasvari@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: 21-11
Office: Informatikai épület I. 109
Website: https://www.iit.uni-miskolc.hu/munkatarsak/sasvari-peter.html
MTMT id: 10003023

He is an associate professor at the Department of Information Technology of the University of Miskolc. He became a mechanical engineer in 1993 and became an economist at the University of Miskolc in 2000. Defended his doctoral thesis with the best receivable mark, 'summa cum-laude' in 2009. His special research interests are Science Metrics, E-government, Information Systems and Information Society