First Semester Review and Feedback event
12 February 2025 at 6.30 PM
University of Miskolc, E6 Building, side building
The event is hosted by the International Student and Alumni Network (ISAN) in collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics.
The goal of this event is to bring together students from all departments, Computer Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Logistics Engineering, to share fun stories about the previous semesters, meet new students, give their review for the next one.
Join us for soft drinks, snacks, and great conversations in a relaxed and engaging atmosphere!
📅Date:Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
🕕Time:6:30 PM
📍Venue:University of Miskolc, E6 Building, side building.
Registration Form:
The Deadline of the registration will be the 10th of February at 16:00
Experience and Professional Report on research trip to Morocco - 12 February 2025 at 2.30 PM
Strengthening International Collaboration in Renewable Energy Research!
In the framework of Erasmus+ KA171 Mobility Program PhD student Salman Brbhan had the opportunity to visit Abdelmalek Essaadi University in Morocco in January 2025, where he worked closely with Dr. Ahmed Al Mers on advancing research in Fresnel technology for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) systems. He will tell his experiences.
Location: A3 building, room no. 208
DCEC2 - Development of novel concept of engineered layered composites - project annual WORKSHOP
Date: 5 December 2024, 12 o'clock
Location: University of Miskolc, A3 building, room no. 208
1. Summary of the reached results and workplan for the last 11 months– Dr. László Kuzsella
2. Introduction of Diósgyőri Fogaskerék Gyártó Kft. – Sándor Szabó
3. Laboratory characterisation of 3D printed macro composites for braking applications, evaluations of temperature characteristics as input for modelling – Dr. Dirk Drees, Falex Tribology NV
4. Optimization of the macrostructural modification of the specimen in FEM simulation– Dr. Ferenc Sarka & Dr. Betti Bolló
5. Discussion
INVITATION for the Science Day event "Young people for science"
to be held in the organization of the Working Committee of the Materials and Production Engineering (WCMPE) of Mechanical and Informatics Expert Committee (MIEC) of Regional Committee in Miskolc (RCM) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)
Location: University of Miskolc; Institute of Manufacturing Science, Building C1, Ground floor, room 1
Date: November 7, 2024 (Thursday) 9 a.m.
evosoft Hungary Kft. - company visit invitation
Hosted by the International Student Alumni Network (ISAN) in collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics.
The goals of this event are to visit a leading European company in Software Engineering, familiarize the students with European work environment, and understand what are the target experiences the company require for future employment. The main target group of this visit are Computer Science Engineering students. All students are welcome, but the places inside the event are limited for only 17 students. If you want to join, please register:
📅Date: Friday, October 25th, 2024
🕕Time:12:30 P.M
📍Venue: Bus stop near the sport center at 11:20 A.M. or Centrum at 12:00 P.M.
Don’t miss out on this chance to connect and learn about your university journey.
The Deadline of the registration will be the 23th of October at 20:00
The ISAN Coordinator of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics
you to the first gethering in academic year of 2024/2025:
We are excited to invite you to the Meet and Greet event, hosted by the International Student Alumni Network (ISAN) in collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics.
The goal of this event is to bring together students from all departments, Computer Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Logistics Engineering, to meet, share experiences, and expand their networks within the faculty.
Join us for soft drinks, snacks, and great conversations in a relaxed and engaging atmosphere! Don't miss this opportunity to connect with fellow students and build valuable relationships.
Registration is required. Your participation is greatly appreciated!
📅Date: 21th October, 2024 🕧Time: 6:30 PM
🌍Venue: University of Miskolc, E6 Building, side building
Mechanical Aspects of Sustainable Energy Summer School
1 – 2 July 2024
University of Miskolc, HUNGARY
This two-day off-line course addresses the technologies and equipment of green energy transition. The sustainability and the sustainable energy will be introduced according to the EU strategy of Fit for 55 to reduce the carbon dioxide emission by 55% till 2030 and to reach the carbon neutral society till 2050. To reach this goal it is essential to widen the insight of the experts of the energy field and to raise a generation of future engineers who already obtained this vision. This summer school will provide the high level of knowledge that is crucial for the green energy transition. During the summer school the participants will learn about sustainable energy, complex systems, case studies about sustainable projects and equipment of sustainable energy facilities.
Course leader Dr. Zoltán SZAMOSI, ass.professor, University of Miskolc, Hungary
Target group: Undergraduate, graduate students, PhD candidates, and young researchers passionate about sustainable energy and eager to become future leaders in the field.
Course aim: Provide students with insights into the green energy transition.
Course tuition fee: EUR 600,00 (do not include accomodation and catering)
IBAN: HU90 1010 2718 5138 2100 0100 5303
Remarks: EGE00003, GÉIK Summer School 2024, Name
Registration deadline: 24 June 2024, 4 PM
Day 1:
- The role of sustainable energy in the green transition – Dr. Zoltán Szamosi,, UoM (appr. 2 hours)
- Case studies of sustainable projects in developing countries – Dr. Katalin Voith, sen.res.fellow, UoM, Hungary (appr. 2 hours)
- Introduction to Mathematical modelling of complex systems of sustainability (appr. 4 hours) – Dr. Martí Rosas-Casals,, Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain
Day 2:
- The structure of Hydro powerplants (hydro energy and its equipments) – Sándor Bereczkei, CEO of MVM Tiszavíz Vízerőmű Kft., Hungary (appr. 2 hours)
- Biomass usage and its machines – Baibhaw Kumar, ass.lecturer, UoM, (appr. 2 hours)
- Equipments of the hydrogen society – Dr. Máté Petrik, senior lecturer, UoM, (appr. 2 hours)
- Other renewable energy resources and their equipments – Dr. Péter Bencs,, UoM, (appr. 2 hours)
Visiting opportunity to: BOSCH Miskolc
Date: 13 May 2024 at 10 AM
Registration link:
The number of attendees is limeted.
to the 3rd joint Hungarian-Korean-Japanese seminar on the design, fabrication and maintenance of welded steel structures.
This joint seminar will exchange knowledge on the design, fabrication and maintenance of welded steel structures in the fields of mechanical, automotive, architectural and civil engineering.
Date: 1 March 2024 8 AM
Online event (free of charge)
Meeting identifier: 835 5601 2594
Password: 899132
This joint seminar is held to exchange knowledge of the design, fabrication, and maintenance of welded steel structures in
mechanics, automotive, architecture, and civil engineering fields between Hungary, Korea, and Japan. Research activities in these countries are introduced to make strong relationships among them. The first seminar was held in September 2021. The second seminar was held in March 2023. This is the third seminar. Researchers and engineers in any other country interested in these topics can join the meeting. The logo marks listed at the top of this document are the universities/organizations to which the presenters at the third seminar belong.
Furthermore, this seminar has a role at the International Institute of Welding (, commission XV (Design,
Analysis, and Fabrication of Welded Structures) as an intermediate meeting of SC-A (Chair: Prof. Chang), SC-D (Chair: Prof
Azuma) and SC-F (Chair: Prof. Jármai) in IIW C-XV.
2. Date: 1st, March 2024
3. Style: Online seminar (ZOOM meeting)
Meeting ID: 835 5601 2594
Passcode: 899132
4. Registration
Anyone interested in the seminar is welcome to attend.
There is no charge for participation. No prior registration is required.
5. Presentation
Presentation: 10 minutes and Discussion: 4 minutes, per presenter
Keynote speech: 15 minutes and Discussion: 4 minutes, per speaker
6. Contact addresses
- Károly Jármai (University of Miskolc, Hungary):
- Chang Kyong-Ho (Chung-Ang University):
- Hirohata Mikihito (Osaka University):
Time(CET / Korea, Japan) | Contents | Title |
08:00 – 08:25(16:00 – 16:25) | Opening message and keynote speech (1)Károly Jármai, Maryam Hasanali, Kaveh Andisheh(University of Miskolc, Hungary, New Zealand Heavy Engineering Research Association (HERA)) | Structural optimization example of a reusable seismic frame design |
Session 1 Chair: Hirohata Mikihito (Osaka University) | ||
08:25 – 08:40(16:25 – 16:40) | Feng Yongyi, Goto Koji(Kyushu University, Japan) | Prediction of weld bead shape and defects by deep learning using welding conditions and acoustic features during welding as input variables |
08:40 – 08:55(16:40 – 16:55) | H. Taheri, M. Karpenko, G.C. Clifton, J.B.P. Lim, S. Ramhormozian , P. DongJ.B.P. Lim, Z. Fang & K. Roy(New Zealand Heavy Engineering Research Association (HERA), The University of Auckland, New Zealand, The University of Michigan, USA. The University of Waikato, New Zealand) | The use of equivalent full penetration butt welds for seismic applications |
08:55 – 09:10(16:55 – 17:10) | Mohsen Amraei(University of Turku, Finland) | Heat affected zone in welded ultra-high strength steels |
09:10 – 09:25(17:10 – 17:25) | Jiang Feng, Hirohata Mikihito(Osaka University, Japan) | Deterioration Prediction of Paint-coated Steel with Different Defects Using a GAN Method |
09:25 – 09:40(17:25 – 17:40) | Nico Wilke(University of Pretoria, South Africa) | Advancing Multi-Fidelity Surrogate Modelling |
09:40 – 09:55(17:40 – 17:55) | Break | |
Session 2 Chair: Károly Jármai (University of Miskolc), Jiang Feng (Osaka University) | ||
09:55 – 10:15(17:55 – 18:15) | Keynote speech (2)Akahoshi Takuya, Azuma Koji(Sojo University, Japan) | Prediction of brittle fracture for beam-to-diaphragm joints using mixed-mode ratio |
10:15 – 10:30(18:15 – 18:30) | Nagy, N.; Gáspár, M.; Gyura, L.; Lukács, J. (University of Miskolc, Hungary) | Comparison of the behaviour of transporting pipeline sections without and with hydrogen exposure based on full-scale tests |
10:30 – 10:45(18:30 – 18:45) | Imre Tímár, Attila Csobán, Éva Kocsisné Pfeifer(Pannon University, Hungary) | Genetic optimization of fillet welds |
10:45 – 11:00(18:45 – 19:00) | Betti Bolló, Ildikó-Renáta Száva, Károly Jármai, Péter Bencs, János Száva, Sorin Vlase, Teofil-Florin Gălățan, Denisa-Elena Popica(University of Miskolc, Hungary, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania) | Experimental and numerical investigation of a reduced scale four-chamber building subjected to fire |
11:00 – 11:25(19:00 – 19:25) | Keynote speech (3) and closing messageEguillosRoque, Chang Kyong-Ho(Chung-Ang University, South Korea) | Fatigue life comparison of steeldeck with u-rib and v-rib stiffener |
The ISAN Coordinator of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics
you to the first gethering in 2024:
The event is about to meet and have some conversations about the last semester events, negotiate about your ideas for more events this semester, and to spend some time together after the winter break.
There will be some snacks and soft drinks.
📅Date: 12th February 🕧Time: 7:00 PM
🌍Venue: Club next to the E/2 dormitory - Kettes Klub (
Please fill out this form just if you want to join us:
Nikita Fütterer, Dipl.-KFM Sales Manager at TLV International, Inc.
gives a presentation about the products of this Japanese company (Steam and Condense technology)
Date: 7 February 2024 (Wednesday) 11.00 – 12.30
Place: University of Miskolc, Institute of Energy Engineering and Chemical Machinery Energetikai és Vegyipari Gépészeti Intézet, A/3 building 2nd floor, Room no. 206 (GPS: 48.08285665339977, 20.765228586237928).
Topics covered in the technical presentation: condensate separators, Floating-ball thermostatic-thermodynamic, Process steam control, Dryers and filters, Condensate transport, System solutions, TLV service.
If you would like to contribute the recipe of your favorite disch for our faculty special cooking book, please fill in this form:
Thank you!
Our former MSc and PhD students will give presentations about their carrier since they graduated or obtained the PhD title at our faculty.
The event will happen at 7 December, 2023 (Thursday) at 2 PM (Miskolc time) on the following MS Teams platform:
The participation is free of charge.
In the framework of Erasmus+ KA171 Mobility program you are invited to the following lecture :
"Development of a low-cost CSP system based on Fresnel technology coupled with a thermocline energy storage tank"
by Prof. Ahmed AL MERS from the Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco
Date: 21 September, 2023 (Thursday) at 12 o'clock
Location: A3 building, 2nd floor, room no. 206
39th Conference of Machine and Product Designers
will be held on
November 16th to 17th, 2023.
Further details and application form are available from the link below:
We would be delighted if you would grace our event with your presentation.
The Organizing Committee respectfully welcomes:
Gabriella BOGNÁR Mrs.Vadász DSc, Dr. habil, Head of Institute, full professor
Csaba DÖMÖTÖR PhD, associate professor
In the framework of Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility program you are invited to the following lectures by:
State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology CHINA
Prof. Dongsheng QIAO: | Application of Deep Learning Technology in the Monitoring System of Floating Wind Turbine |
Assosiate Prof. Guoqiang TANG: | On-bottom Stability Design of Subsea Cables and Umbilicals under Wave Loading |
Assistant Research Fellow, Jun YAN: | Damping and Snap Load Characteristics of Deepwater Mooring Line |
Date: 22 May, 2023 at 1 pm
Location: A3 building, lecture room no. 206
Electrical Engineering Professional Day
Thursday, 1 June 2023
As a perfect ending of the Professional Day, a nostalgic tram ride will take place thanks to the Miskolc Municipal Transport Ltd.
The nostalgia tram of the 1962 FVV 1100 type "Bengal" will be used on the number 1 tramline: Tiszai Railway Station - Újgyőri Main Square - Vasgyár - Újgyőri Főtér - Felső-Majlát - Tiszai Railway Station.
Participation in the programme is free of charge, but registration is required due to the limited number of places:
Planned schedule
2:30 pm: Gathering at the Tisza Railway Station at the end stop of tram line no. 2
2:40-2:50 pm: Baptism of the tram and group photo
2:50-4:30 pm: Nostalgic tram ride by"the Bengal Tram" with a 20 min break at Felső-Majlát with opportunity of making pictures
“Train the Trainers” event in the framework of
Date: 11-13 May, 2023
Location: University of Miskolc, Informatics Building, 2nd floor, room no. 205
Thursday, 11th May 2023
13:30 | Opening of the event | Representative of ME |
14:00 | Challenges in STEM Education | |
15:30 | Break | |
16:00 | Virtual Sandbox Technology | Lajos Szalontai |
17:00 | Visit to Miskolc city |
Friday, 12th May 2023
9:00 | Gamification Project in Teaching Programming | László Kovács |
10:15 | Gamification in Complex Projects on Software Development | Erika Baksáné Varga |
11:30 | Visiting Laboratories of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics | Erika Baksáné Varga |
13:00 | Lunch break | |
15:00 | Extreme precision farming and soil science camp | Anett Mészárosné Póss |
16:15 | Visiting Laboratories of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Engineering | Lajos Szalontai |
Saturday, 13th May 2023
9:00 | Gamification Project in Additive Manufacturing Technologies | Sándor Endre Kovács |
10:30 | Visiting Laboratories of Materials and Chemical Engineering | Sándor Endre Kovács |
11:30 | Discussion of outcomes, materials and methods, Closing of the event | László Kovács |
12:30 | Lunch break |
In the framework of Erasmus+ Mobility program you are invited to lectures of University of Oradea (Romania), Faculty of Energy Engineering and Industrial Management and Transilvania University of Brașov (Romania), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at
19 APRIL 2023 at 1 pm
Location: A3 building, lecture room no. 206
Please fill in the registration form if you are willing to participate:
In the framework of Erasmus+ Mobility program you are invited to the following lectures:
Dr. Paed. Czakóová Krisztina (J. Selye University, SLOVAKIA): Virtual programming environments and programmable robot tools for experience-based teaching programming for beginners
Dr. Takáč Ondrej (J. Selye University, SLOVAKIA): 3D modelling in education
Dr. Paed Végh Ladislav (J. Selye University, SLOVAKIA): Assessment of algorithmic and logical thinking of secondary school students, and first- and second-year undergraduate computer science students
Date: 22 March, 2023, 2 PM
Location: Library of Informatics Institute
Please fill in the registration form if you are willing to participate:
Presenting the “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
in the framework of Erasmus+ Mobility program
Dr. Elisabeta Mihaela CIORTEA, Faculty of Informatics and Engineering, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania
gives a presentation with the title
Analysis of Intelligent production systems in the
Smart Industry
Date: 9 March, 2023 10 AM
Location: A3 building, lecture room no. 206
Please fill in the registration form if you are willing to participate:

Company introduction and trainee recruiter event
Date: 3 March, 2023 at 10 AM
Location: University of Miskolc, Fintelligence room (A/4 building, 3rd floor)
Attending the event is free of charge but registration is requested:

Hungarian-Korean-Japanese joint seminar on design, fabrication, and maintenance of welded steel structures, 10 March 2023
Organized by Prof. Dr. Károly Jármai (University of Miskolc) and Associate Professor Dr. Mikihito Hirohata (Osaka University)
The joint seminar aims to exchange knowledge on the design, fabrication, and maintenance of welded steel structures in the fields of mechanical engineering, automotive, architecture, and civil engineering between Hungary, Korea, and Japan. They were joined by the University of Pretoria in South Africa, HERA Research Institute in New Zealand with an international team, Transylvania University in Brasov, Romania, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia, Pannon University in Veszprém, Hungary. Research activities in these countries will be presented to build close links between them. The first seminar will take place in September 2021. This is the second seminar. This seminar is part of the activities of the International Institute of Welding Committee XV (Design, Analysis, and Fabrication of Welded Structures) and its subcommittees SC-A Chair: Prof. Chang, SC-D Chair: Prof. Azuma and SC-F Chair: Prof. Jármai, which have an intermediate meeting in IIW C-XV.
Date: 10 March 2023
Conduct: online seminar (ZOOM)
Please join the seminar online. It is free of charge, but needs registration:
Publication Presenters can submit their papers to two peer-reviewed journals. One is Acta Polytechnica Hungarica ( and the other is Welding Letters of The Japan Welding Society. (
"The University of Oradea and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and study programmes (bachelor and master) for Erasmus + Mobility exchange for students"
presentation by Simona Cristina Castrase, Associate professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Oradea, Romania
Date: 20 February, 2023 2PM
Location: A3 building, lecture room no. 206
Virtual visit to a Brazilian University
Date: 08 February, 2023
Time: 6.30 pm (Hungarian time)
Local: google meeting; link:
- Virtual (online) visit to a Brazilian University: University of Votuporanga - Unifev: Centro Universitário de Votuporanga
- Interview with the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering;
- inside look of the Brazilian students’ projects
Presentations by invited lecturers:
Date: 6 December, 2022 at 9 am
Location: University of Miskolc, A3 Building, 1st floor, room no. 115 (Institute of Machine and Product Design)
Prof. U. S. Mahabaleshwar Professor of Mathematics, Davangere University, INDIA
Zuhriddin Latipov Associate professor, Karshi Engineering and Economics Institute, UZBEKISTAN