Dr. Simon-Koncsik Zsuzsanna

Dr. Simon-Koncsik Zsuzsannaegyetemi docens

Anyagszerkezettani és Anyagtechnológiai Intézet
Szerkezetintegritási Intézeti Tanszék

E-mail: zsuzsanna.koncsik@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: +36(46)565-111/23-35
Office: A/4 földszint 1.
MTMT id: 10028542
CV: Hungarian   English

She works as an associate professor at the Institute of Materials Science and Technology at the University of Miskolc, where she complied with her academic duties in the specialisation of Engineering and Management M.Sc. (2007) in the module of Materials Processing Technologies and even in the speciality of Technical Translator (2007). She received her Ph.D. degree in the branch of Mechanical Engineering at Miskolc in 2014. Her research field and the most of her publications include topics about tribological performance of high-tech ceramic composites, however her interest expanded in the last few years to fracture mechanics, structural integrity and life cycle assessment (LCA) topics.