Dr. Kuzsella László

Dr. Kuzsella Lászlóegyetemi docens

Anyagszerkezettani és Anyagtechnológiai Intézet
Mechanikai Technológiai Intézeti Tanszék

E-mail: laszlo.kuzsella@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: +36(46)565-111/18-47
Office: A/4 földszint 2.
MTMT id: 10028448
CV: Hungarian   English

I got my MSc degree as a Physicist Engineer at the University of Miskolc. I got my Ph.D degree in the discipline of Engineering notably in the branch of Material Sciences and Technologies. At this moment I get a position as an associate professor at the Institute of Material Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, University of Miskolc. Beside the education and research activity I act an efficient role in the enrollment of the University and the Faculty.