Dr. Marosné Prof. Dr. Berkes Mária
egyetemi tanár, külső óraadóAnyagszerkezettani és Anyagtechnológiai IntézetSzerkezetintegritási Intézeti TanszékE-mail:
A/4 fsz. 6.MTMT id:
"She was born in 1985, graduated from the Technical University of Heavy Industry Miskolc (MSc in Mech. Eng, 1981), and has MSc as Engineer-Physicist on Materials Science (1994). She was scientific co-worker up to 1985 (R&D Institute ""TÜKI"", Miskolc), lecturer of the University of Miskolc (1985-). She is assistant professor since 2001. She has doct. univ (1997) and PhD (1998) degrees, more decade's professional skills in R&E in materials science & technology (LCF of metals, damage analysis of ceramics, tribology). She developed 20 professional subjects in Hungarian and English, she is PhD supervisor (7), leader and participant of national and international projects, member of scientific committees."