Cserjésné Sutyák Ágnes

Cserjésné Sutyák Ágnesny. mesteroktató

Anyagszerkezettani és Anyagtechnológiai Intézet
Mechanikai Technológiai Intézeti Tanszék

E-mail: agnes.cserjesne.sutyak@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: +36(46)565-111/18-47
Office: A/4 földszint 2.
MTMT id: 10035823
CV: Hungarian   English

She graduated as metallurgical engineer, metallographical expert at the Technical University of Heavy Industry in 1980. In 1984 she got postgraduated heat treatment engineer diploma. Between 1990 and 1995 she was graduated as material science oriented physicist engineer. She had been working for twenty years as a researcher engineer at the Metallcontrol Ltd. where she made failure analysis, gave technical support, used several kind of microscope (optical, stereo, and scanning electron microscope as well). From 2000 till 2016 she worked as department engineer and from 2017 has been working as master instructor at the Materials Science and Technologies Institute of the University of Miskolc. She gives materials testing and materials technologies based practical trainings.