Kovács Judit

Kovács Judittudományos segédmunkatárs

Anyagszerkezettani és Anyagtechnológiai Intézet
Szerkezetintegritási Intézeti Tanszék

E-mail: judit.kovacs@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: +36(46)565-111/17-90
Office: A/4 földszint 7.
MTMT id: 10068184
CV: Hungarian   English

In 2017 she graduated at the University of Miskolc as BSc mechanical engineer, specialised on quality assurance. From 2017 to 2019 she was a MSc student in the faculty of material and welding technology. In 2020 she finished her studies as IWE/EWE welding engineer. Nowadays she is a PhD student at István Sályi Doctoral School. Her field of research: Research on the impact of the heat input of GMAW processes on ultrahigh strength steels properties.