Basic and applied research projects (2005-)
GINOP-2.2.1-15-2017-00090 (2018-):
- "E-mobility from Miskolc: Enhancement of the cooling water circulation pump and engine cooling fan, taking into account the higher quality requirements expected in electric vehicles”
- Inspection of the existing EMC laboratory, establishing standard measurement conditions
- Engine cooling fan drive
- Multi-axis vibration testing
- FEM studies
- Receiver antenna development
- Development of automated test methods and equipment that can be integrated into the production and refurbishment system of automotive components, in order to improve the efficiency of quality assurance. Subproject
- 1: Method and procedure for mechatronic modeling and testing of electrical parameters of new generation voltage regulators and generators, Subproject
- 2: Testing of electronically controlled actuating coil and starter motor
TéT Ro 12/05:
- Condition monitoring of linear and rotary electric drives using advanced data processing tools. Partner: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
TéT Ro 09/07:
- Research into advanced control, condition monitoring and diagnostic methods for rotary and linear electromechanical actuators used in industrial automation systems. Partner: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
ÁMOP-4.2.1.B-10/2/KONV-2010-0001 “Improving the quality of higher education based on the development of centers of excellence in the strategic research areas of the University of Miskolc”:
- Project 3.5 “Inspection and modeling of electrical units of linear and rotary electromechanical actuators, development of suitable diagnostic methods”
- Project 3.6 “Research and development of energy efficiency and quality testing of electrical grids”
Industrial research (2005-):
ÉMÁSZ NyRt, Miskolc
- Detection of conducted network disturbances, examination of the impact of high flicker rates experienced at high and low voltage on the low-voltage network, monitoring the quality of electrical energy by performing on-site measurements
- Investigation of electrical network disturbances in the vicinity of the Miskolc-West tram station on the 0.4 kV
- consumer network, furthermore on the Miskolc-South station on the 120/10 kV system, as well as on the 0.4 kV consumer network in the vicinity of the station
- Detection of conducted network disturbances in the vicinity of the Ózd station
- Detection of network disturbances and monitoring of electricity quality in the Kazincbarcika area
- Inspection of 120 kV electrical stations, monitoring of electricity quality
- Detection of network disturbances and monitoring of electricity quality on the ÉMÁSZ DAM Steel 120 kV and 35 kV medium voltage systems
- Detection of network disturbances and monitoring of electricity quality on the ÉMÁSZ 120 kV, medium voltage and 0.4 kV systems
- Detection of network disturbances and monitoring of electricity quality in the area of the Miskolc-West station and at the South station
- Inspection of electrical networks, power management equipment and systems
- Inspection of DAM electrical networks, power management equipment and systems
- Investigation and measurement of disturbances caused by high-power industrial electrical equipment and their network reaction that endangers operational safety
- Determining the extent and frequency of disturbances caused by the DAM arc furnace connected to the ÉMÁSZ grid at the DAM and OVIT stations
- Determining the extent and frequency of disturbances caused by the Ózd arc furnace connected to the ÉMÁSZ grid at the Sajóivánka and OVIT stations
- Optimization of the remote reading system for consumption meters
- Analysis of the remote reading communication system
- Measurement of electromagnetic emissions of typical electrical equipment to determine EMC (electromagnetic compatibility)
- Development of a software tool for practical application to determine the electromagnetic emissions of various design medium/low voltage transformer stations in the distribution network
- Development of installation guidelines to minimize field emission/environmental disturbance of 22/11/0.4 kV transformers and their connections
- Testing the quality of electricity supplied by the Felsőzsolca and Bükkaranyos wind farms operating on the territory of ÉMÁSZ Hálózati Kft.
- Exploring the quality indicators and harmful effects of electricity received at the connection points of designated industrial parks, determining and detecting the propagation direction of harmful effects and emerging disturbances, and developing protection methods
- Examination of the options for optimal design of an audio frequency central control time program
- Investigating the options for alterating the low-voltage network to prevent irregular consumption
- Determination of the performance profile of boiler groups at the feed points of the medium voltage network Investigation of ways of influencing electronic meters
- Testing the quality of electricity at the connection points of designated industrial parks and electric stations within the territory of ÉMÁSZ Hálózati Kft.
- Examination of the electrical network parameters of the LED public lighting system operating experimentally on the territory of ÉMÁSZ Hálózati Kft.
Robert Bosch Elektromos Szerszámgyártó Kft., Miskolc
- Development of the measurement control software for a testing device suitable for measuring downtime
- RFI analysis of new generation electric hand tools
- Designing an automated test bench for jigsaws
- Development of a universal on-line registration tester
R. Bosch Elektronika Kft., Hatvan
- Development of a complete operating concept for a testing device for active system control of the height of pressed-on indicators during the production of dashboards
National Instruments Hungary Kft.
- Development of testing methods for examining electronic circuits using the NI-ELVIS system
- Development of a reference laboratory that can be controlled via the Internet
- Development of testing methods for examining electronic circuits using the NI-ELVIS II system PLES Zrt. Examination of the electrical power system of the
- Wheel Factory at its Borsodnádasd plant
- Development and testing of a measuring and analysis system suitable for cost reducing diagnostics of the electricity networks of small and medium-sized enterprises and industrial parks
ELMŰ Nyrt., Budapest
- Approximate calculation of the electric and magnetic fields of the elements of the distribution network, its applicability in the assessment of environmental hazards
- Additional development of the electromagnetic field shielding of the KÖF equipment
- What does the application of "good engineering practice" (GEP) guide/oblige the competent specialists of ELMŰ/ÉMÁSZ to do in their development activities? study
- Cost-effective, electromagnetic "experimental" shielding of the office building integrated with the Budaközép station
REMY Automotive Hungary Kft.
- Testing and design of automotive electronic components.