Teaching activities of the Institute of Physics and Electrical Engineering
Department of Physics:
Physics is the basis of the technical sciences, therefore it is natural that we teach physics in every engineering major of all three technical faculties. In addition to these, we also teach Modern Physics at the Faculty of Health Sciences. At our own faculty, we offer a complete range of education in the field of mechanical engineering (traditional university-level training, BSc training, MSc training, adult vocational training, PhD training). In the six engineering basic majors of our faculty, the teaching of physics starts in the first semester with the History of Physics course. Thereafter we teach two semesters of basic physics. In some majors the basic physics is taught for only one semester, but there we also have special physics courses (Optics - Color Dynamics, Nuclear Physics). In the MSc majors we teach different parts of modern physics, in the recently started electrical engineer MSc major we even have two subjects (Physical Bases of Information Technology, Electrodynamics). Interest in the elective courses offered by the Department has increased in recent years. Technical Laser Physics is especially popular, in the framework of which we teach, beside the physical bases for the operation of lasers, their most important applications as well.
International contacts:
Our institute is affiliated with the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana (Slovenia). In the last ten years, we have also had research relations and joint publications with the Institute of Electron Physics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Uzhgorod), the University of Oulu (Finland), the Department of Atomic Physics of Stockholm University (Sweden), Loughborough University (Great Britain) and Afyon University (Turkey).
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering:
The institute is involved in education at the BSc undergraduate, MSc graduate and doctoral levels in various training forms (full-time and part-time). In addition to some undergraduate and master's degree programs at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics (GÉIK), we also give lectures to students at the Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering.
Main teaching areas:
In general training areas: electrical engineering, electronics, measurement technology. In special educational areas: electrical science, electrical power management, electrical safety technology, electrical works, automatic machines and protections, electrical units of renewable energy sources, machines and drives, power electronics, electronics, metrology, computer-aided measurement technology, electronic design and manufacturing, EMC.
Main majors taught:
We perform specialized professional education in Electrical Engineering at the BSc and MSc level, in Mechatronics Engineering at the BSc level, and in Energy Engineering at the BSc level. We perform general professional education in the Mechanical Engineering BSc and MSc programs, the Mechatronics Engineering MSc program, the Engineering Informatics BSc and MSc programs, and other engineering programs in smaller volumes.
International educational relationships:
Contractual ERASMUS relationships for mutual student and teacher exchange:
- Technical University of Zaragoza, Spain
- Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Otto v. Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
- Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Romania
- JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland
We also welcome ERASMUS students from other universities, including several universities in Spain and Turkey.
Other information on the FMEI website