Ruben Rafael Boros

Ruben Rafael Borosassistant lecturer

Institute of Physixs and Electronic Engineering

Phone: 12-20
Office: A/3. building, 2nd floor, 2nd door
MTMT id: 10067321
Consultation time: Thursday, 12-2 PM
CV: Hungarian   English

In 2018, I obtained a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering, majoring in Electrical Engineering, at the University of Miskolc. In 2020, I completed my MSc in Electrical Engineering, majoring in Process Control and Industrial Communication, also at the University of Miskolc. I am currently also studying at the University of Miskolc at the József Hatvany Doctoral School of Informatics, while working as a full-time teaching assistant at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics. I have participated in several Scientific Student Conferences, the titles of which are: -Solar solar cell with intensity meter data recording -Hardware and software implementation of touch screen configurable sinusoidal inverter. -Space-vector monitor circuit design, - Design and implementation of a three-phase semiconductor rectifier. Title of my dissertation: -Design of an induction motor drive controlled by a smartphone. Title of my thesis: -Design and implementation of a three-phase thyristor rectifier and SVPWM controlled voltage inverter. My PhD topic is focused on solar induction motor drives and the related power electronics and control circuits.