Gábor Pszota (PhD)

Gábor Pszota (PhD)associate professor

Institute of Physixs and Electronic Engineering

E-mail: gabor.pszota@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: 11-56
Office: A/1. building, 3rd floor, 303rd door
Website: http://web.uni-miskolc.hu/~www_fiz/pszota/index.html
MTMT id: 10035856
Consultation time: Hétfő 10-11 ; Kedd 14-15

I was born in 1977 in Miskolc. I graduated as a Physicist from the University of Debrecen in 2000 with an English specialized translator minor. From 2001 I was a graduate student, teaching assistant and research assistant at Purdue University (USA) Department of Physics until 2008, when I obtained my PhD. I wrote my PhD dissertation on high-energy astrophysics, in relation to the spectral analysis of the radiation emitted by X-ray binaries containing black holes. Since 2011 I have been working at the University of Miskolc as a member of the Institute of Physics within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics. I started work as an assistant professor, then in 2014 I became an associate professor. My research is directed toward objects containing compact X-ray sources, focusing mainly on low-mass X-ray binaries. At the University of Miskolc I also participate in the research related to electron-atom collisions and electron spectrometry, which takes place in our institute. In addition to the regular university teaching, I usually take part in scientific demonstrations in order to publicise the university, teach extra classes for the weaker students, and participate in talent management.