Péter Bozzay

Péter Bozzaytechnical assistant

Energetikai és Vegyipari Gépészeti Intézet
Áramlás- és Hőtechnikai Gépek Intézeti Tanszék

E-mail: peter.bozzay@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: 1948
Office: C/2. É. 2H. 202
MTMT id: 10082644

Born in Miskolc in 1970, he completed his secondary school studies at the Zalka Máté Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering as a mechanical drawing- and after a robotics technician. From 1988 he worked as a technician at the Department of Material Handling and Logistics, then as a technical assistant after obtaining his BSc degree in computer engineering in 2000 and in electrical engineering in 2005. From 2013 to 2019, he was the electronics development engineer of Corvus Telecom Ltd., mainly in the field of designing, programming and mass production of embedded control, measurement, data acquisition and remote monitoring electronics for various industrial and passenger information equipments. During his decades of employment at the University, he has been involved in numerous engineering diagnostics, research and development projects in laboratory, industrial and field environments, mainly in the fields of logistics, chemical industry, mining, transport, food production and residential appliance manufacturing. In addition, his main tasks include the execution of practical tasks related to education, research, development and educational promoting activities in the laboratories of the Institute, and the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure required for these activities.