Kumar Baibhaw PhD
assistant lecturerEnergetikai és Vegyipari Gépészeti IntézetVegyipari Gépészeti Intézeti TanszékE-mail:
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Baibhaw Kumar was born in the city of Ranchi in India in 1991. He completed his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2013 at SSIT, Bangalore, India and went on to obtain a Master's degree in Energy Technology from BIT Mesra, India in 2015.
He got his PhD degree in 2024 at the István Sályi Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences at the University of Miskolc.
He is fluent in both Hindi and English and he has made significant contributions to the solar drying academic community. With over 10 publications in esteemed international journals, his research has garnered more than 100 citations across Scopus, Google Scholar, etc.
The title of his PhD dissertation is: "DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, AND OPTIMIZATION OF SOLAR DRYER FOR WOOD FUELS." This work reflects his innovative approach and dedication to advancing sustainable energy solutions.