Dr. Dömötör Csaba
Associate ProfessorGép- és Terméktervezési IntézetE-mail:
A/3. fsz. 06.Website:
http://www.geik.uni-miskolc.hu/intezetek/GET/dcsMTMT id:
"Csaba DÖMÖTÖR (Hungarian nationality) born in 1978, graduated at University of Miskolc, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering as certificated mechanical engineer (MSc level). He has got more Educational medal and a Republican prize fellowship. From 2001 he work in the Department of Machine Elements as PhD student, from 2004 as Instructor, from 2008 as Assistant Professor and from 2015 as Associate Professor in the Institute of Machine and Product Design. He has taken PhD in 2015. Thesis title is ""Catalogue, statistical analysis and application methods of natural analogies in a conceptual design"". Resource field is design methods. There are more memberships: Member of public body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Member of Schooling committee, European Researcher's Night Programme Faculty coordinator."