Óváriné Dr. habil. Balajti Zsuzsanna
egyetemi docensInstitute of MathematicsÁbrázoló Geometriai Intézeti TanszékE-mail:
A/4. III. 325.Website:
http://abrpc09.abrg.uni-miskolc.hu/magyar/Dolgoz%C3%B3k/ovarine.htmlMTMT id:
Born in 1965. She graduated from the Kossuth Lajos University of Science in 1988 with a mathematics-descriptive geometry-computing diploma. 1995: dr. univ. graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Miskolc. 2008: PhD (Kinematic drive pairs production geometric development) was defended with summa cum laude qualification. 2017: habilitation (Production geometric development of connecting surface, with descriptive geometry application). Department of Descriptive Geometry at the University of Miskolc: 1998 assistant lecturer, 2005 assistant professor, 2009 senior professor, 2013-2017 Vice-rector of Education. Several professional organizations: HSA (MTA) Territorial Committee, International Society for Geometry and Graphics, Bolyai János Mathematical Society.