Dr. Noémi Nagy

Dr. Noémi Nagyassistant professor

Institute of Mathematics
Department of Applied Mathematics

E-mail: noemi.nagy@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: 17-96
Office: A/4. 331.
Website: http://web.uni-miskolc.hu/~matnagyn/
MTMT id: 10047367

She was born in 1988 in Sátoraljaújhely. She graduated in Mathematics BSc in 2010 and in 2012 in Applied Mathematics at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen. Between 2013 and 2016 she was a Ph.D. student at the Mathematics and Computer Science Graduate School at the University of Debrecen. Since 2014 she has been assistant lecturer at the University of Miskolc. The title of her PhD dissertation is Generalized Rolewicz theorems for approximately convex functions. Her fields are convexity, approximate convexity, functional equations and inequalities