Dr. Hriczó Krisztián
egyetemi docensInstitute of MathematicsAnalízis Intézeti TanszékE-mail:
A/4. III. 343.Website:
http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~mathk/MTMT id:
"Born in 1986 in Miskolc. In 2009 he earned a degree in Informatics-Engineer, on ME-GÉIK. From 2010 he is a PhD student, from 2013 he is an assistant lecturer. In 2014 he defended the PhD thesis's ""Newtoni és nem-newtoni folyadékok határréteg problémáinak numerikus és analitikus vizsgálata síkfelületen"" with a summa cum laude qualification. From 2016 he is assistant professor. Member of MTA MAB Mathematical and Physical Committee, editor of Miskolc Mathematical Notes. In 2013, he was awarded Deekan Praise in ME-GÉIK. In 2013 Apáczai Csere János Ph.D. Scholarship, in 2017 He holds a Young Researcher's Scholarship (ÚNKP-17-4-I). His specialty is the examination of differential equations describing transport phenomena."