Lengyelné Dr. Szilágyi Szilvia

egyetemi docens

Institute of Mathematics
Analízis Intézeti Tanszék

E-mail: szilvia.szilagyi@uni-miskolc.hu
Phone: 18-85
Office: A/4. III. 333.
Website: http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~matszisz/
MTMT id: 10027684

Name: Szilvia Szilágyi, Date of Birth: 3rd May 1976, Appointments: 2012- :Associate Professor, Department of Analysis, University of Miskolc. 2008-2012: Assistant Professor, Department of Analysis, University of Miskolc. 2002-2008: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Analysis, University of Miskolc. 2001-2002: Assistant Researcher, Department of Analysis, University of Miskolc. Education: 2003-2006: University of Miskolc, PhD studies in Informatics in Doctoral School of Information Science and Technology József Hatvany. 1994-1999: Kossuth Lajos University of Arts and Sciences, Debrecen, Faculty of Natural Sciences. Graduate: PhD in Computer Science, MSc in Mathematics and in Chemistry studies. Research field: Lattices and partially ordered sets, Partially ordered algebraic structures. Languages spoken: Hungarian (mother tongue), English (intermediate level), German (intermediate level).