Tóthné Dr. Makó Judit
egyetemi docensInstitute of MathematicsAnalízis Intézeti TanszékE-mail:
A/4. III. 324.Website:
http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~matjudit/MTMT id:
"I was born in Hajdúböszörmény, in 1983. In 2007, I got mathematician diplom in University of Debrecen, Faculty of Natural Sciences. I was PhD-student 2007-2011, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Natural Sciences. In 2013, I got my PhD degree. The title of my PhD dissertation is: ""On approximately convex functions"". I have been working in the University of Miskolc till 2012. I was assistant professor 2012-2017 and I have been associate professor till 2017. I have 11 English scientific papers in mathematical journals with impact factors. I was one of the editors of Miskolc Mathematical Notes. My research area is the convex analysis."