Dr. Túri József
egyetemi docensInstitute of MathematicsÁbrázoló Geometriai Intézeti TanszékE-mail:
A/4. III. 325.Website:
http://abrpc09.abrg.uni-miskolc.hu/magyar/Dolgoz%C3%B3k/CV/TuriJ.htmMTMT id:
I started my studies at University of Debrecen where I got mathematics, mathematics-descrictive geometry and other diplomas. Later I studied at Eötvös Loránd University where I got a MSc degree in Informatics. Later I received the PhD deegre at the Óbuda University from the field of mathematics and computer science. From 2009 I work at the University of Miskolc Institute of Mathematics as assistant lecturer and later as lecturer.